An empirical study on use of birth control measures in married females with special emphasis on millennials of Ahmedabad.
Birth, Condom, Copper T, Contraception, PreventionAbstract
Birth control, also known as contraception, encompasses a range of methods used to prevent pregnancy and manage
reproductive health. This research studies various forms of birth control, including hormonal methods (e.g., birth control
pills, patches, and injections), barrier methods (e.g., condoms and diaphragms), long-acting reversible contraceptives
(LARCs, such as IUDs and implants), and permanent solutions (e.g., sterilization). Each method has its own set of benefits
and challenges which directly influence its adoption rates among different demographic groups. This study examines the
efficacy, advantages, and possible drawbacks of each approach while taking accessibility, socioeconomic, and individual
preferences into account. The acceptability of various birth control methods and their application are also covered in the
paper. Current trends, advancements, and future directions in contraceptive technology and policy are discussed,
highlighting the need for continued research and improved access to reproductive health services in the region of study.